♥ About
A Real Fancy Rat

Fancy Rat
18 years old
Birth Date
June 8th, 1991 ♊
Mixed Race Latina
133 lbs
Lemonade High Student
Theme Song
First Appearance
Chapter 3
Latest Appearance
Chapter 4
The Queens (Co-Leader)
Cream Cheese
Purrsephone (sometimes)
Relationship Status
Heather is one of the main characters and secondary antagonist in Pink Panties. The beta to Purrsephone's alpha, she prides herself as above the unwashed masses.
♥ History
Izzy and Heather grew up together in Cool City in 1991 as sisters. Heather, Purrsephone, Dawn and Bunny grew up as close friends, and would form The Queens. According to Purrsephone, she was a girl scout for only one day, quitting after tripping and falling. She and Izzy have a troubled relationship, judging by her insistence that Izzy is an evil pyromaniac.
♥ Plot
On September 1st, Purrsephone brought a weird new girl to the lunch table, and instantly has a bad feeling about her. Begrudgingly, she introduced herself to this "Cathy" girl and in seconds, said Cathy was ranting about being kicked out of the girl scouts. After having her ego bruised a bit by Purrsephone's remarks, she and the other Queens warn Cathy to stay away from her sister, insisting she's a deranged arsonist. Heather received Cathy's number.
That night, Heather looked at Cathy's Meowspace to figure out just who this squirrel really was, and instantly saw she was a weird Christian horse girl who posts her baby photos online. Without hesitation, she called Purrsephone and argued with her about it into the wee hours of the night. Early into the morning, she called again, with Purrsephone hanging up before being pulled into that one again.
At some point, her diary journal was stolen by Izzy and she discovered this. During lunch that day, she freaked out, accusing Bunny of stealing it before attempting to interrogate Cathy. She's interrupted by Purrsephone dismissing her, and then proceeds to argue with her for the rest of the period.
♥ Personality
Heather wants the "fancy" part of "fancy rat" to be what you think of when you see her. She positions herself high above the rest, desperate for you to see every and all accomplishments of hers, no matter how mundane. Anything out of order deeply upsets Heather, which, combined with being in the cutthroat jungle of high school, drives her to be a conformist who nips everyone's ankles. Though she is well-spoken and clearly book smart, she's a nervous, jittery mess propelled by envy, terrified of being overshadowed by Purrsephone, and to a lesser extent, the other girls.
- Will take being called a "fancy rat" but HATES being called a plain ol' "rat". Her preferred term is mouse, thank you very much!
- Terrified of fire, doesn't like being near open flames and is genuinely uncomfortable with anything beyond normal cooking applications. She can handle a stove if she's watching it like a hawk, but a campfire? Hell no. Even a candle makes her feel uneasy.
- DO NOT TOUCH HER JOURNAL!! It's super important!!
- Very proud of her wealth, will tell you all about how she comes from a long line of class and is totally not nOVEAU RICH SHUT UP IZZY WE AREN'T POOR.